Thursday, January 15, 2015

How I feel about being a first timer..writer that is..

When you think all the thoughts that happened in your life, you either do one of 2 things..I think.
You either bottle everything up..
which will cost you in counseling for MANY years until you are.."ahem" cured...or..
You write that shit down!!

I have always written it down, or drawn it out,yelled it to the sky or screamed it hysterically in front of HUMONGOUS waves!!

I often wonder how others dealt with the childhoods /marriages/relationships/situations they had.
Doesn't everyone?
I get in those moments..or Mom-meants where I have to continually ask myself..Did I really just SEE that?
Did anyone ELSE see that? Are we all just going to STAND here and pretend it didn't happen?
With my family, it amazed me how my mother could get RIP roaring ..just..woWzers..and be all happy one moment and walk in the door and it was like Godzilla vs Mothra!  
I wrote it all out..or down..sitting on the beach wall..Winthrop cops telling me," Now little darlin' ..Shouldn't you be in the house in bed?"
"Yes Sir.." and I would hop off the beach wall..knowing FULL well they had NO clue as to WHEN she would be ..Ok..THEY knew about as much about when she would be home as I did..
Which was none..nothing.. kids..I was sooo strict with them..Holy Cow..I was a good mom..I mean..I had MY Mom-meants too..
I did the best I could..I made sucky choices in men for most of the growing up yrs of them..well..basically just one really but still..POOR choices..
..and now..I have this amazing love, and a fairly happy life, and my children who are now men in my home.
Life??  It's pretty sweet..
Write that shit down :)